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Saturday, 19 January 2013

It's Party Time, With VWC!

Howdy, Cho's!

Firstly, I wanted to say "Hi".
I've just been added as an author 
to the Blog, so I'm really excited about 
posting for you all. Moving on to something 
that's happening on Chobots. On Saturday the 
19th of January at 21:30PM Cho-Time, we will
be having a HUGE party with Virtual World Club.

All members of Virtual World Club will receive a Virtual World Club
shirt at the party. So, if you haven't signed up to Virtual World Club
yet, be sure to get over there and sign up now. Most of the
Chobots Team will be attending the party and will
be giving away free Citizenship, bugs and a lot
of rain. I'm definitely attending the party.
What about you? Let me know in
the comments. Thanks for 
reading my post.

Have fun,


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