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Monday, 29 April 2013

Market Is Up!

Heyy Guys Spencer Here,

I just wanted to inform you that the market is up and that its running smoothly!

First here is how the market works;

In your wardrobe, there is 2 different bins, One of which is Blue on the bottom left hand corner.
You Drag the item into the bin then select the Date and price you want it to sell for.

How To see and Bid on items;

Too see the items, you can sort them into categories by Seller, Most/least Bids, Most/least expensive as well as closing soon, ending latest and newest auctions

To bid on items all you have to do is click over the statistics and A green button saying 'Bid' Where you can type a price in that you want to pay.

A common strategy In the auction house is a trick just like ebay. The most common trick is to bid at the last second a bug higher. But maybe bid about 10 bugs higher than the original price so no one bids 1 bug higher just as you thought.

There are many different sections on chobots To the auction

You can transfer bugs to and from you chobots and market acc as well as have your own 'watch list' for the items you are selling and buying.

that is the quide to the new Market, Enjoy!

Spencer C:


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