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Friday, 17 May 2013

Delicious Cookies :D

Hey Guys!

Recently we had a contest put up by Julia, in which we had to bake cookies, cookie which was somehow related to chobots, you know the contest has finally come to an end.. :), that means we have winners, but the thing is, not many people have participated in this contest, so we have just 2 winners,

Here are the winners

1st Place : Slick! for this contest leader board
He receives 2 months of citizenship, 10,000 bugs and Gingerbread wings magic! :), awesome huh? :P

2nd Place : Amoona! for her chobots cookies
She receives 1 month of citizenship, 8,000 bugs and Gingerbread wings magic! :), Cool huh? :P

Anyways, to those who didn't win this time, maybe try harder next time and you'll definitely make it! :)

Enjoy your prizes winners,


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