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Friday, 17 May 2013

Game Night! :)

Hey Guys!

Its time for another game night woohoo ^_^ I am so happy! I hope I can make it there! anyways game night is basically an event where in every game's contest is open! You got to come out on top to win citizenship, bugs and game controller :)

Here are the few details about the event

Date : MAY 18th, 2013
TIME : 8:15/20:15 PM cho time to 9:15/21:15 cho time (GMT)

Yeah that's right, only for 1 hour this time! :(

Anyways you got to play your favorite Game/Party with friends moderators at the mission agency!

You must not cheating, cheating is not very cool! If you find that anyone is cheating then you can report them at! :), Be honest, and you will be awarded 5000 bugs if you report someone cheating with proof!

Hope to see you there,


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