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Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Game Night Winners

Hey Guys,

Recently we had a game night, which I couldn't attend but I am sure a lot of people had attended it and had tons of fun :), the chobots team has announced the winners! :), here is the list of the winners, they each will receive a game controller (Hand Item), 10,000 bugs and 10 days of citizenship, so without further adieu here are the winners =3

Game                                                Winners

Asteroid                                              Jayoo
ChoBoard                                           Syvla
Pinball                                                 Grace
Mechanical Crab                                 Santos
Robot Factory                                     Alexa
Sweet Battle                                        Godlight
Palm Painting                                       nightboyz125
Chobots Racer                                    Feryat
Garbage collector                                Harrythebest
Space Racer                                       Godfire
Tug 'o' war                                          Emperor
Sliders                                                 Bright
Checkers                                             Brax2
Chess                                                  paloma
Cow Mission                                       bacachoo
Coin Rain                                             Juileh

So thats pretty much it, hope you had a good time partying up with the mods, or playing your favorite game, the next game night will be in the next month, so train your self well to win next time 8)



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