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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Moderator Party & Best Researchers!

Hey Guys!

Recently we had the Dress up like a moderator party, It was a big hit, like toasty stated in his review post, here on the blog.

Anyways, a lot of people were really well dressed, and finally we have results!:D

All of them seem like a replica :P, anyways Each of them win 5,000 bugs and a red rosette :D

Well done! Next we also have the winners of the re-search contest, I am sure a lot of information from the re-searches..

1st Place - Vasa12345
Prize : 14 days of citizenship, 8000 bugs and a scroll.

2nd place - la09
Prize : 7 days of citizenship, 6000 bugs, and a scroll

3rd place - Chrysaor
Prize : 5 days of citizenship, 4000 bugs and a scroll.

Congratulations to the winners, great job!
If you didn't win this time, try harder next time! :D

Also la09 had reported a cheater to the team, and hence has been rewarded with 9000 bugs!

Well done,


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