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Saturday, 1 June 2013

New Citizenship Items! :)

Hey Guys!

I am sorry for not posting about the beach party, but I am sure it was amazing! A lot of people enjoyed it! There was a bit of rain, magic and quiz held by Zoo and Yaniv! Prizes like Domo Shirts, Zoo Shirts etc were given out.. :)

But now, the citizenship items have changed, so lets take a quick look at the items

Here's the 1 month item.. I personally think it's very cool.. you get these suits for 4.99 $ and 1 month of citizenship!.. if you would every buy these suits from the $hop, then 1 suit would cost 2.99$ and you'd reach a total of 6$ but here you are getting the citizenship and 10,000 bugs, and items for just 4.99$ :)

The 6 month item is amazing, you get an amazing mask, a towel, a Hawaiian shirt, and a playercard and 65,000 bugs for 24.99 $, This is an amazing deal.. if all of the items were at the $hop, then the items itself would add upto 21$, ps - your getting so many bugs and 6 months of citizenship!

In  the 1 year citizenship, you get all the items from 6 month and 1 month citizenship, PS - you get a cool sailor suit and a cool chat bubble, with that you'd also get a playercard skin, 150,000 bugs!  Isn't that amazing? Its just for 44.99 $, I calculated the items and they would itself add upto 42.99$, you're also getting 1 year of citizenship and 150,000 bugs! I say go for it!

To get any of the items click here



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