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Sunday, 30 June 2013

Scrapbook Contest Winners!

Hey guys! After a long week, everyone deserves a nice weekend, we got to see everyone's different entries on what they do on their weekends, but these 3 were chosen as the best! Let's take a look:

In first place we have Vasa12345.  She did an awesome job describing her day!

In second place, we have Sweeets!  She has some great designing skills!

Lastly is third place we have Hydra! He had a cool design, as well as a coverpage!

Vasa and Sweeets won a week of citizenship (7 days), 5000 bugs, and a medal. Hydra also won the same prize, but was given an extra 1000 bugs for making a cover page too!

Great job to the winners. Don't forget, if you didn't win this time.... There will be plenty more contest on the way!

Keep it spiffy!


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