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Monday, 8 July 2013

Game Night - Results!

Hey Guys!

As you might know that the game night has ended last night, and the results have been declared, so without wasting anymore of your time, here are the results.

Sweet Battle : Juanifer
Asteroid : Beam
Cho-Board : Timnils

Pinball : Lucas
Mechanical Crab : Sherman
Robofactory : Golfwang
Space Racing : Walborn
Garbage Collector : Camera
Farming : Arthas
Rope Pull (Tug 'O war) : Wehbi98 

Coin Rain : Luna
Palm Painting : Yosheh 

Checkers : Destrotant
Chess : Paloma
Sliders : Elthomii

Nicho Racer : Theadoreme
Chopix Quest : Bacachoo

Well done, All the winners, I am amazed by your scores!

For your fabulous work, each of you will receive :

A game controller (Hand Item)
7 Days of citizenship!
10,000 bugs!

If you didn't quite make it this time, then don't forget, there's always a next time.

Over and Out,


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