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Friday, 12 July 2013

Clothes and Results!

Hey Guys!

It's new month, and the chobot's team has decided to update the shop with new items, here take a look at the items.

There is a jacket for girls and boy's, A smiley face shirt, 2 new dresses, A C hat, an Ice-Cream backpack, A new Hairstyle and a flower shirt.

Also, the results of Garbage collector have been announced, here they are..

Elthomii - 1st Place Medal, 7 Days of citizenship and 10,000 bugs!
illusiion - 2nd Place Medal, 5 days of citizenship and 7,000 bugs!
Commando - 3rd Place Medal, 3 days of citizenship and 5,000 bugs!

If you didn't win this time, then there's always a next time, so keep trying! :3



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